Pastor Ben Loven, Senior Pastor
Pastor Ben is extremely passionate about helping God’s people live into the mission that God has given us through baptism, enjoys preaching, and teaching.
Contact Pastor Ben at bloven@rochesteroslc.org
Joanne Hamilton, Office Manager, Web & Weekly Editor, Membership Secretary
Joanne is very friendly and willing to help. Never hesitate to give her a call with a question regarding your church needs.
Contact Joanne at office@rochesteroslc.org

Greg is passionate about planning and performing music in worship that compliments the spoken word and messages. His primary goal in music planning is to deliver programs that appeal to all musical abilities and ages and will enable other to make connections during worship.
Bev Gronvold, Grace Bells Director
Bev is very friendly and is always willing to help out when she can. Bev is director of the Adult Bell Choir (Grace Bells). Bev also helps out in the office. Contact Bev at bgronvold@charter.net