“A caring community of 600 people of all ages who enjoy the spice of life in worship,” is how one person described Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.
The Good Samaritan Story in Luke 10 is the Biblical story the congregation has claimed as its vision for mission.
We are committed to helping those in need, especially the stranger on the road. As we follow Jesus, we participate in a variety of outreach ministries throughout the city and in the world, both through congregational ministries, through support of national and international ministry organizations, and in our individual lives.
Our motto is: “Come a stranger – leave a friend,” and we try to live up to that lofty goal.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church welcomes you to become a part of our faith community. Our mission is to serve God and our neighbor. Service flows out of our worship, and we worship in a variety of musical and liturgical styles. All regular worship services center around God’s Word and Holy Communion. All people regardless of church background or age are welcome at the Lord’s Supper. Our worship mantra is: All are welcome.