Weekend Mission Trip is coming up!! The dates are November 9-10. We will leave the morning of the 9th and be back about lunch time on the 10th. This is open to all 8th through 12th grade youth. The cost is nothing. We will do three service projects on Saturday, spend the night in a hotel, worship on Sunday and come home afterwards. Please let Cassie know ASAP if you have any questions or would like to attend.
The youth are going to…NASHVILLE next summer!!!! This is for those currently in grades 8-12. The dates are June 21-28, 2025. A non-refundable deposit of $150 is due Sunday, November 10th. We will ask for one more (& final) $150 non-refundable deposit in February. All other funds needed for the trip will be fundraised. We will be driving to & from. We will need other interested adult leaders and drivers. If interested talk to Cassie or Pastor Nikki. The only other things each participant will need are: an air mattress & sleeping bag, $ for meals to & from Nashville (all meals on site are provided) & $ for any trinkets they wish to purchase while there are on your own.